New Years Eve 2025 ( Special Event )

By Mannequins ReImagined (other events)

Tue, Dec 31 2024 8:00 PM EDT Wed, Jan 1 2025 1:30 AM EDT

In 1989, the Best Club opened here at Disney World called "Mannequins Dance Palace". Unfortuantly it disappeared in 2008 after almost 20 year of being dubbed "The Best Night Club" in the US for nine years straight. 

Tonight , It's time to relive the Magic and fun with a ton of improvements that makes this ReImagined club special.

Our Million Dollar Opening Night Will be amazing as you will literally be having the snacks layed in real Gold, Silver & Diamonds. Sign up for a massive opening night give-away! It's so good I can't say what it is i'll jinx it

The Magic of Mannequins Reimagined, is this club is basically a Party and a Club weaved into one, so events will be happening all the time, So get out your old bell bottoms, tease your hair and warm up those dancing shoes, start planning your glow attire, and let's get this party started as i'm proud to present the newest club in Orlando. Mannequins Reimagined.  

Being more technogically advanced than Mannequins Dance Palace, Mannequins Remagined has lots of the same fixtures. Even so they are all done in a more specatacular way.

We Have over 200+ of the Newest in Lighting & Effects that has ever been collected :

1.. Snow machine                                          2. Fog machine

3. Bubble machine                                         4. Fog Machine

5. A bubble / Fog machine                             6. Low ground fog

7. Co2 cannons,                                            8. Flame Throwers

9. Hazers.                                                     10. CCTV & Video screens,

11.Arcade and Slots      

PLUS we Have 

34 Mirror Ball and colums.

18 Lasers

7 NEW Mannequins (& 3 from THE ORIGINALMannequinw club) 

Holiday & Special Events:

               Grand Opening, Halloween,  New Years Eve & More

                    Party Ticketing Donations are Per Event.

                             A.   Vip Membership with Reserved Seating 

                             B.   Silver Club Membership

                             C.1   Mannequins Club Cast Standard Entry


                             C.2  Mannequins Club Cast Special Event                          


Memberships are for Easy Bookings, Early Entry, Rewards and Special Events. 

*Each catagory is limited, get those applications filled out and subbmitted because reservations will go fast. 

*Each Catagory wil have a limit so get the call in as soon as possible. 

*Each Catagory membership is a donation as any other house party 

*Anyone with a Annual Pass can be registared for the 

                         GRAND PRIZE on opening night. Must be present to win.

*Please present membership cards at check in.

*Donation due at Entry Check in    also - A extra Donation Station located inside club.

*Safety is key here, so each topic has been thought out complety:

*Indivdiual Snacks,      *Chips individual bags,     *Ice machine no hands,

*Hand Sanitation gel dispenser,   *Extra facilities for guest to use.    *Hand sink for add on facilities. 


Watch for future events to plan ahead for your costumes & outfits!

Here are some of the upcoming events planned are: 

 In Memory of Mannequins, White Parties, Butts and Booty Nights, Back in the 80's, Retro 90's, Glamerous Glow Nights, Let's Funk Tonight, Getting Groovy, Retro Disco Party, Best of Studio 54, Reminiss in the Rainbow Room, Pimp's and Hoe's Naughty Nights, Rupaul's Vice -Versa,Trivia-Skill-Games Nights, 


This is a drug free environment, zero tolerance. Smoking area outside only.


Mailing Address

5207 Tavel st. Orlanod,Fl 32821