By Mannequins ReImagined (other events)

Mon, Sep 9 2024 8:00 PM EDT Tue, Sep 10 2024 12:30 AM EDT

This is your time to get creative, to show your wild side or tame side on. 

Wear something comfortable, as we have the ingredients to make you look fantastic.

Face paint, eye lids, lips, glowing hair , anything you want to do yourself and decorate your body.

Tons of Black Lights will bring your artistic side bright and loud! 

Wear closes that have a UV color that will stand out under the black lights because

   the makeup and powders we have is made for this fun.



Glow parties are one of the latest ways for people to get out, cut loose and enjoy a good time. They’re especially popular among adults, with college students across the nation hosting and attending these types of events.

In many cases, glow parties are ticketed events, where guests are required to purchase their admission to the party, and the money raised through ticket sales goes to pay for the elaborate decorations found at a typical glow party. Usually, a glow party will take place at a large venue such as a vacant warehouse, where powerful sound systems are set up to pump the music out while the party goers dance to the rhythm. In theory, glow parties are supposed to be a safe place for everyone to have fun with their friends. They are typically promoted as being alcohol free, making them an attractive alternative in the eyes of most people worried about them get into bad situations by drinking. 

What really goes on at a glow party?

They get their name from the fact that most attendees spend a substantial portion of their time at the event carrying glow sticks around, waving them around in the air, creating a surreal environment in the darkened space. For many of the attendees, however, this sensory experience isn’t enough, so different types of make up and sprays can add the excitement up a few notches with each person showing their wild side. 





Snacks and beverages Included. 


This location uses smoke, haze and strobe effects.



Mailing Address

5207 Tavel st. Orlanod,Fl 32821